Map360 2022.1 Released
Map360 2022.1 is a service pack release with added support for COE compatibility . This allows entities in your diagram, such as the BodyPoser3D, Bullet Path Trajectories, or the Bloodstain Pattern analysis entities to be viewable in Leica TruView. The entities are imported at the correct scale and location. An additional ninety-five 3D vehicle models have also been added to the symbol librarian, with makes and models from various regions. Check out the list of included 3D models . Point cloud rendering has been improved, providing higher density of the critical evidence in the data. Users can now set an AutoMap file as the default for future imports. This functionality has been added to the Automap Library dialog. A number of critical defects have been fixed and additional enhancements have been made to existing workflows. Review the Release Notes for more details and check out this Brief Overview to learn more about the changes in Map360 2022.1. Starting with Map360 20...